Nude modeling Latino men. If you are interested in becoming a LatinBoyz.Com model use this online application to get started making money.
We are always looking for new LatinBoyz models. Especially if you are outgoing and love showing off.

• Must be 18-25 and have ID
• Latino
• Models can be gay, straight or bi
• We don’t have any ‘one’ type of look. Homeboys, cholos, ‘gangsta’, boy-next-door, twink, thin and/or toned, body builder, e.t.c… are all O.K. as long as you look good. Of course having a big dick helps not all models are packing.

Q: Do I have to do porn (have sex with another guy) if hired?
A: No. We do not require our models to do hardcore porn if they do not want. It’s optional.
Q: I’m not sure I have what it takes. How do I know for sure?
A: We don’t have any one type of look but generally models must be in good shape. That can mean thin but toned, or slightly muscular, or even very muscular. The only way to know for sure is to apply and send us some evaluation photos.
Q: Do you prefer pubic hair to be trimmed, shaved or natural
A: Natural is always better. The number one complaint from our members is shaved pubes and plucked eyebrows.
Q: How big does my dick have to be?
A: Some of our models have big dicks. Some don’t. We look at the total package not just the dick.

If you have any other questions please contact us at: